
Izzy's Food Pantry is partially supported by generous donations. Both non-perishable food items and monetary donations from the campus and community are gladly accepted. 

Non-perishable food items can be donated at University Center 206. 

Top requests are: 

  • Jelly (not just grape!) 
  • Breakfast Cereal 
  • Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta 
  • Macaroni and Cheese 
  • Tuna (pouch or can) 
  • Canned chicken 
  • Peanut Butter  
  • Toiletries 

Items of particular need are: 

  • Proteins: peanut butter, canned meat (tuna/chicken) and beans (canned or dry) 
  • Grains: pasta, crackers, rice and instant potatoes 
  • Canned fruit in juice or light syrup 
  • Breakfast: cereal, oatmeal, granola/cereal bars, pancake mix (add water only) and syrup 
  • Main meals: spaghetti sauce (canned preferred), macaroni and cheese, boxed meals and canned soup 
  • Canned vegetables  
  • Other items: jelly, coffee and popcorn 
  • Supplies: manual can openers and reusable grocery bags 
Financial gifts can be given via credit card online at 
Faculty and staff may contribute, via payroll deduction at: 
Please call 361-825-FOOD (3663) for questions or assistance. 
Thank you to our donors and these community
partners for their support of Izzy's Food Pantry.
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