Dual Career Partner Program
To maintain and strengthen its excellence, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) must recruit and retain outstanding faculty and staff. Many faculty and staff recruited by the University have partners (“Dual Career Partners”) who are accomplished professionals. Therefore, the ability of a Dual Career Partner to find a suitable career opportunity can be a key factor in the recruitment process.
The objective of the Dual Career Partner Program is to support dual career hires by providing services to eligible partners of newly hired faculty and staff relocating to the Coastal Bend area.
While the University recognizes the value of promoting opportunities for Dual Career Partners, we cannot guarantee employment to anyone.
The Dual Career Partner Program is available to partners of candidates who have received a job offer or are newly employed full-time faculty or staff at TAMU-CC.
Definition of Dual Career Partner
The Dual Career Partner must be the spouse or partner of a candidate who has received a job offer or a full-time employee. The terms “spouse” and “partner” are used interchangeably and shall be applied equally without regard to sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Requesting Dual Career Assistance
Candidates for positions should be considered on their merits. The challenges or opportunities associated with a Dual Career Partner hire must not be a factor in the decision to make an offer to a candidate, and should never be discussed or considered by the department in the selection process.
The following steps should be taken:
The Dual Career Partner should complete the Dual Career Partner Program Request form and submit it to Human Resources, who will engage with the Dual Career Partner, or, in the case of applicants with academic credentials, forward the form to the Program Coordinator for Academic Affairs for engagement.
A Dual Career Partner, like any other applicant for employment, must be systematically reviewed by the hiring unit. If the Dual Career Partner meets the requirements for a vacant position that has already been posted, the search for that posting cannot be canceled to place the Dual Career Partner into the vacant position. The Partner should be provided consideration for an interview if the unit posting the position believes the Dual Career Partner has appropriate credentials and skills compatible with the unit’s needs and mission, and if the Partner meets published requirements and application deadlines.
Off-Campus Employment
Dual Career Partners may utilize available University services, including the Office of Career Services (for students and alumni), Human Resources, and the Dean of the candidate’s college (for academic credentials) in searching for appropriate employment opportunities off-campus.
Providing Information
It is against the law for hiring units and search committees to ask potential hires about their partners. However, these hiring units and search committees should provide information about the Dual Career Partner Program to all potential hires. All candidates in a job search as well as current University employees have a right to inquire about opportunities and procedures for partner hires. Equal Employment Opportunity policies dictate that such inquiries will not influence hiring or promotion decisions.
Monitoring and Oversight
The Employee Development and Compliance Office, in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources and the Office of the Provost
- Will collect and provide information on Dual Career Partner requests and outcomes to monitor the effectiveness of the recruitment program and retention
- And will ensure that no negative effects or discrimination against specific subgroups has occurred because of these guidelines.
Legal Considerations in Partner Hiring
The Dual Career Partner hire program should be implemented, to the greatest extent possible, so that each eligible partner is considered for appropriate positions in an equitable manner. It is the goal of the program that Dual Career Partners be evaluated on their own merits.
Texas A&M University System Policy 07.05, Nepotism provides guidance and governs the employment of relatives.
The implementation of the Dual Career Partner program may not discriminate against any individual protected by the University's non-discrimination policies. Partner hiring will be monitored to ensure that policies and practices do not foster inequities based on gender, marital status, race, or other protected classifications.