University Curriculum Committee

Purpose or Function:  Member of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) will (a) review catalog changes (including new degree and certificate programs) for quality, integrity, academic rigor, and purpose; evaluating catalog revisions and new degree programs to ensure that they support the university’s mission; (b) avoid unnecessary duplication of courses and conflicts of interest with other existing courses; and (c) ensure that proposals meet the quality standards set forth by the university, the Texas A&M University System, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and accrediting bodies, including SACSCOC. During each fall and spring semester, the UCC will hold at least two (2) meetings during two (2) different months. Recommendations from the UCC will be routed to the Faculty Senate. 

Membership: Voting members include all members of the Faculty Senate’s Academic Affairs Committee as ex-officio members and up to two (2) additional voting members each appointed from both Undergraduate Council and Graduate Council. Terms are for one (1) year and are renewable.  Half of the voting members constitute a quorum. Non-voting members may attend in an advisory capacity.

ChairChair of the Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee

Responsible University OfficialAssociate Provost

University Curriculum Committee
Name Unit Represented Term End

Robin Pizzitola

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee (Chair)


Jason Heavilin

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Felix Omoruyi

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


James Ikonomopoulos

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Kevin Loeffler

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Lori Podolsky

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Scott Johnson

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Valeriu Murgulet

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Zhaorui Li

Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs Committee


Fereshteh Billiot

Graduate Council

May 31, 2025

Heather DeGrande

Graduate Council

May 31, 2025

Ashley Voggt

Undergraduate Council

May 31, 2025

Tina Ybarra

Undergraduate Council

May 31, 2025

Last Updated: 02/24/2025