Committee on Committees

Purpose or FunctionThe Committee on Committees exists to support the university’s councils, committees, and other advisory, representative, and support bodies.  The committee reviews these bodies a rotating three-year cycle. These reviews ensure that the bodies are fulfilling their functions and allow the committee to make recommendations to President’s Cabinet regarding the viability of each body and any changes to its membership, structure, or purpose/function. The Responsible University Officer (RUO) for a body may request an out-of-sequence review.

The committee also reviews requests for new university-level councils, committee, or other bodies and makes determinations about the appropriateness of the body being included with the list of university councils, committees, and other bodies.  The committee chair will present any recommendations for new bodies to President’s Cabinet for final approval.

Membership: This committee consists of one (1) representative from each university division and Athletics as appointment by the division vice president. Appointed representatives will serve 3-year renewable terms. In addition, the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees Chair and Staff Council Vice President will serve as voting ex-officio members. 

Chair: Academic & Administrative Compliance Manager

Responsible University Official: Vice President for Institutional Excellence

Committee on Committees Members
Name Unit Represented Term End

Kevin Houlihan

Academic & Administrative Compliance Manager (Chair)


Ric Ricard

Faculty Senate Committee on Committees Chair


Stephaine Long

Staff Council Vice President


Dina Espinoza

Academic Affairs

August 31, 2025

Brad Bowman

Finance and Administration

August 31, 2025

Mary Mahan

Institutional Excellence

August 31, 2026

Ann DeGaish

Student Engagement and Success

August 31, 2025

Anissa Ybarra

Research and Innovation

August 31, 2026

Lee Malone


August 31, 2026

Linda Buckley

Enrollment Management

August 31, 2027

Kyle Scotten

Institutional Advancement

August 31, 2027

Last Updated: 01/08/2025